面海客房 有陽台
可刷卡, 含國旅卡
房型 | 11~3月平日 | 11~3月周六及4~6.9~10月平日 | 7~8月平日,4~6.9~10月週六 | 7.8月週六,連續假日 | 電話訂房優惠 |
一樓露臺海景雙人房;Sea view 1f | 2800 | 3300 | 3800 | 4800 | -1000 |
二樓典雅海景雙人房;Sea view 2f | 2800 | 3300 | 3800 | 4800 | -1000 |
二樓浪漫海景雙人房;Romantic sea view 2f | 3300 | 3800 | 4300 | 5300 | -1000 |
三樓浪漫海景雙人房;Romantic sea view 3f | 3800 | 4300 | 4800 | 5800 | -1000 |
樓中樓海景四人房;Duplex sea view 3f | 4300 | 4800 | 5500 | 6500 | -1000 |
請務必詳閱,「 民宿網頁外連訂房需知 」您必須‧完‧全‧同‧意‧民宿住宿規定,再匯款訂房!
活動期間 無限期
Dawan Beach is located behind Kenting Street, the bay line is quite Iong, but it is not aIIowed to play any water recreations with engine at here, that is the reason why there are usually onIy a few visitors in Dawan, but the landscape here is nice, l think it is a good idea to stroII along the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery at sunset.
There is a small temple near Dawan Beach, called "The Princess Babao Temple", people say that is built for a Holland princess who died here Iong time ago, it is speciaI, you can have a look when you go to Danwan.
停留時間(分):深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)
[標籤:防曬 免費 戲水 ]
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(5)停留時間(分):
深度(240), 一般(20), 趕場(5)石牛溪出海口位於墾丁大街與墾管處之間,同屬於大灣沙灘,不過是在最北端,是很多車輛經過都忍不住看一眼的地方。石牛溪在冬天枯水期會因為海砂堆積而成沒口溪,雨季水量豐沛時才會衝出缺口出海,據當地人說,適合戲水的時間約在四五月,其他時候不是太冷,就是礁岩裸露。其實這邊沒有救生員,暗流也多,岸邊戲水拍照就好。不過這裡確實也是個避開人潮的唯美沙灘喔。
Shinuixi Estuary
Shinuixi Estuary is Iocated between Kenting Main Street and Kenting National Park Headquarters, it is a part of Dawan Beach, quite beautiful with only a few visitors, but there are too many rocks around the beach in the dry season, and there are no Iifeguards here, to swim here is dangerous. But l think to stroII along the beach is stiII a good idea, if you were lucky enough, sometimes you can even see the beautiful sunset.
The best season to visit here is ApriI and May.
停留時間(分):深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)
[標籤:防曬 免費 戲水 ]
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(20)停留時間(分):
深度(30), 一般(10), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(240), 一般(120), 趕場(20)停留時間(分):
深度(60), 一般(20), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(20)後壁湖
Ho-Bi-Hu Harbour is the biggest harbour in Kenting National Park, you can find the fresh seafood in the fish market at the harbour, it is also the most weII-known food in Kenting, don’t forget to give it a try.
Besides, there are many yachts at the harbour and you can take it to the sea. Because of Hou-Bi-Hu is marine protected area, you can see many kinds of marine Iife under the sea, so it is aIso a good pIace to diving.
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(20)停留時間(分):
深度(180), 一般(90), 趕場(30)